We provide midwifery care, including water birth, at a centrally-located birth center in San Diego. Free birth center tours are available on an individually scheduled basis. For more information about our birth center resources or to schedule a tour contact us.
- Who can be with me at the Birth Center?
- Will I be able to birth in the water?
- What is the closest emergency medical facility in the case of emergency transfer?
- When will I come to the birth center?
- Who will be attending my birth?
- Does the birth center have birthing tubs?
- About the Birth Suite
- Privacy
- What is the Facility Fee?
- Birth Center Gallery
“Heather and Tamara were a great team at my birth. Through the entire process these women were knowledgeable and caring. They gave me all the facts but let me make my own decisions without ever pressuring me into anything I did not want to do.”
– Sierra R.

Who can be with me at the Birth Center?
We view birth as a family centered event.
We have a family lounge area for those times you do not want them in your room.
We do encourage couples to think about what was the atmosphere they created to get the baby in their life. This is often the best atmosphere in which to get a baby out.
Creating a quiet, intimate space allows the birthing hormones to work best.
Many families choose to invite family members either near the time of birth or shortly afterwards.

Will I be able to birth in the water?
Yes, our midwives specialize in water birth.
We like you to keep in mind that many women planning to birth in the water may choose to get out of the tub near the time of birth.
We encourage you to keep an open mind and allow your body and baby tell you what is best for you at the last moment.
Does the birth center have birthing tubs?
Yes, we have two standing birth tubs. The third birthing suite has a shower for those women not interested in a water birth. We do have portable tub that can be set up in this suite, should the other two tubs be in use.
Who will be attending my birth?
You will have a primary midwife, birth assistant, and a second midwife will join during second stage.
We do not work in shifts.
Call our Urgent Line and let us know that you are in labor or if you have any concerns.
What is the closest emergency medical facility in the case of emergency transfer?
We monitor women in labor to determine if a baby or the birth is progressing as normal. If the labor or the baby is indicating that something is outside of normal, we do not hesitate to transfer to the appropriate care setting.
While there is a an emergency medical facility located directly across the street from the birth center, we normally make non-emergent transfers to 2-3 other facilities depending on clients needs and desires.
Our goal is first and foremost healthy mom and healthy baby.
Most transfers in our practice are from clients asking for medical technology, i.e. desire for pain medication in labor. We offer various comfort measures in labor such as keeping the woman up and mobile, movement, warm or cold packs, tubs, shower and having your support team with you.
We do not provide pain medication because of the increased risk that the baby needs to be monitored continually. If this level of technology becomes necessary, we will facilitate transfer to hospital.

When will I come to the birth center?
We like to hear from you in early labor so we know to expect you.
Most women labor best in their own home setting for early labor.
Being in your family space allows you to have access to all your comfort measures you’ve used during everyday living and pregnancy. You have access to your bed, your pillows, your yard, your food, etc.
You would come in when you enter active labor.
First time mommas generally use the 3-2-1 rule. When contractions are 3-5 minutes apart, for two hours, lasting 1 minute, you are probably in active labor.
There may be special circumstances that your midwife may give you different parameters.
Women who have already birthed will come when they know they are in labor and feel it is progressing. That generally means the contractions are getting longer, stronger and closer together.
Privacy Assurance in Our Birthing Suite: A Commitment to Your Comfort and Confidentiality
Birth Suite
Each birth suite looks like a very nice on-suite bedroom.
Two of the rooms have a private outdoor patio with table and chairs. Each birth suite opens from our family room where we have a small refrigerator, microwave and comfortable seating for members you might not want in the birth room.
We have birthing and peanut balls available for your use.
Both tub rooms have hand held showers and the shower room has portable tub access.
Each birth suite is private and has its own private bathroom.
There is soundproofing between each of the birth suites. We encourage you to bring your own music to make the space your own.
Your midwife or birth assistant will check on you and your baby at various times throughout the labor.
The birth team will all be present for the pushing stage and the birth of your baby. Each person in the room will have a role to support and stabilize your baby after the birth.
We truly respect the “golden hour” and encourage you and your partner to spend that time getting acquainted with your baby.
Schedule A Birth Center Consultation
What is the Facility Fee?
A facility fee is paid by any family using a facility whether that is a hospital or birthing center. It covers the cost of keeping a facility open. This includes things like, lights, water, rent, medical supplies, etc.
All birth suites are billed equally.
If a family has a PPO insurance plan, this fee can be billed for reimbursement to the family postnatally. Insurance facility fee will be billed at the standard and customary rate.

Birth Center Package
Personalized Prenatal Visits
Each of your private prenatal appointments with your midwife averages 45min per visit.
We follow the traditional prenatal schedule of visits which is monthly until 28 weeks, bimonthly till 36 weeks, and then weekly until the birth.
8 – 12 Weeks (Initial Visit)
In-person, which includes completing your history and physical exam. Any necessary labs will be drawn unless you have already had them with your previous care provider.
Your initial visit may be later depending on when you start care or transfer into the practice.
In-person nutritional consult will be scheduled approximately two weeks after the Initial Visit. Monthly in-person visits are scheduled thereafter until
28 Weeks
Glucose & repeat complete blood count (CBC) (every 2 weeks)
36 Weeks
Labs – repeat CBC, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea
GBS & gen culture at 36 – 37 weeks (weekly from 36 – 41 weeks)
41 Weeks
2 Non-Stress Tests (NST) and Biophysical Profile Test (BPP)
Birth Team Meeting
An hour long Birth Team Meeting in your 36th week will be scheduled at the birth center.
We would like to have anyone you plan to have at your birth join you for this visit.
Labor, birth, and immediate postpartum nursing care for mom and baby
Heather will attend your labor and birth. One or two fellow midwives will also be present during birth and immediately postpartum.
Postpartum Visits
24 – 36 hours: Home visit by your midwife
Day 3 – 4: Home visit by your midwife
Week 2: Office visit
Week 4: Office visit
Week 6-8: Office visit
Additional postpartum visits are available on an as needed basis.
Well Baby Care:
We assess your baby’s vitals and weight gain during our postpartum visits.
These visits do not replace your regular pediatric visits.
We will assist you with general lactation support at the postpartum visits. If additional lactation support is necessary, we are happy to provide you with a list of qualified IBCLCs.
Every Thursday (10am-11am) we offer a free Breastfeeding Support Group. This is open to all mothers in San Diego County.
Excluded services
Our fees don’t include some medications or any referred services such as ultrasounds, laboratory tests, physician consultation visits, lactation consultants, hospital services, childbirth classes, etc.
Please note: we are NOT Pediatricians. We encourage all our families to have their newborns assessed by their own Pediatrician or Doctor of your preference within the first 7 days of life. We will refer you to a pediatric provider with any concerns.
Birth Center Package Pricing
Includes: Complete midwifery care for birth at the birth center.
The price shown above is your out-of-pocket expense, and it does not include the birth facility fee.
Birth Center Gallery
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San Diego County Midwives have either authored or reviewed and approved the content on this website.
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