Body Work Preparation and Birth at Home – C.C.
I would highly recommend Heather and her team at San Diego County Midwives – they were so caring and nurturing throughout my entire pregnancy, during birth and postpartum!
Throughout pregnancy, Heather performed Spinning Babies body work and techniques on me at each appointment and checked on my emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. The bodywork was completely new to me with this being my 2nd pregnancy. I truly feel it made a big difference in the way my birth played out and the positioning of my daughter. Heather also recommended their in-house chiropractor, Jen at Ruby Red Chiropractic – she was also amazing!
I was growing impatient towards the end of my pregnancy and Heather helped me center myself me each time. At 40 weeks + 4 days, I woke up to consistent surges and let Heather know. After a few hours of the surges still coming, Heather gently suggested I stop by the office to see where I was at and/or discuss our game plan.
With my consent, she checked my cervix. To my surprise I was 7CM and was still out and about, being my normal self and didn’t believe I was in active labor. I live an hour away from the office and was planning a home birth. I appreciate Heather’s calm energy in this moment. After an adjustment from Jen and some bodywork from Heather, my Husband and I made our way home during rush hour. I was having intense surges the entire way home.
When we arrived at home, we called Heather as my surges were 2 minutes apart now and very intense. I was practicing HypnoBirthing techniques (another awesome resource recommendation from Heather) and I felt just fine. I didn’t feel like I could possibly be close to birthing my daughter.
Heather and her assistant Midwife, Andrea, arrived very quietly and respectfully. The energy did not shift at all with them being at my home.
I was laboring on the toilet and Heather noticed my feet were not Planted. She reminded me to go limp with each surge and just surrender. These reminders were so nice since my doula
Was virtual. After maybe 30 minutes of
Laboring on the toilet, I felt the urge to
Lay down.
My husband and both midwives had helped set up the area as well as the birth pool but I wanted to lay down on my bed. They assisted in me walking over to lay down.
My body started “pushing” on its own and when my daughter was crowning and coming quickly, Heather suggested I try doing “horse lips” and this distraction helped me allow time for my body to stretch. She switched places with my husband, allowing my husband the perfect position to catch his daughter. This is an experience neither of us will ever forget.
Active labor was only 4 hours and was so easy, thanks to the body work, chiropractic care and HypnoBirthing techniques – all work and suggestions from Heather – done throughout my pregnancy.
Heather honored each and every one of our birth preferences – allowing my daughter’s cord to remain untouched until we were ready was an important one for us.
After birthing our daughter, the midwife team cleaned up my bedroom/birthing space SO quickly. My waters had released on the bed and you would have never known. They also gave me a sponge bath afterward and reminded my husband to grab the warm meal waiting for me, which felt like a family member caring for me.
Even with this being my second child, I have had a lot of questions along the way and I never felt like a nuisance or that my question was silly. I will always be so appreciative for Heather and her team for my amazing experience throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
Corinna Cozart, NIC, EIPA
Nationally Certified English/American Sign Language Interpreter
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