Office Visits

“Throughout pregnancy, Heather performed Spinning Babies body work and techniques on me at each appointment and checked on my emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. The bodywork was completely new to me with this being my 2nd pregnancy.

-Corinna M.

What happens at a typical prenatal visit?

Most of the visit is dedicated to listening, talking, and collaborating with you.  We discuss upcoming tests, life stressors, and things going on in your life. We encourage you to ask us questions.

During the clinical portion of the visit, Heather takes your blood pressure, listens to your baby, and palpates your belly while she and you discuss your baby’s movements.

Heather also incorporates Spinning Babies Body Balancing during your prenatal visits.  Partners are instructed on a few of these techniques as as well.

Prenatal visits are 45min – 1hr.

When should I schedule my first prenatal visit?

Women who know conception dates will normally schedule their first appointment between 8 to 12 weeks.

If you are unsure of conception dates, then an early ultrasound will be scheduled for confirming the estimated due date.

What is the schedule for prenatal and postpartum visits?

San Diego County Midwives follows the traditional prenatal schedule of visits which is monthly until 28 weeks, bimonthly till 36 weeks and then weekly until the birth.  Heather provides home visits for her clients within 24 – 36 hours after the birth, as well as on days 3 or 4, and as needed if there are lactation issues. She continues to see her clients in the office between four and eight weeks postpartum.

8 – 12 Weeks (Initial Visit)

Initial office visit includes completing your history and physical exam. Any necessary labs will be drawn unless you have already had them with your previous care provider.

Initial Visit may be later if transferring care into the practice.

Nutritional consult will be scheduled approximately two weeks after the Initial Visit. Monthly in-person visits are scheduled thereafter until

28 Weeks

Glucose & repeat complete blood count (CBC) (every 2 weeks)

36 Weeks

Labs – repeat CBC, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea

GBS & gen culture at 36 – 37 weeks (weekly from 36 – 41 weeks)

41 Weeks

Non-Stress Test (NST)

41.3 Weeks

Biophysical profile test (BPP)

41.6 Weeks


Postpartum Visits

24 – 36 hours: Home visit by your midwife

Day 3 – 4: Home visit by your midwife

Week 2: Home and Office visit

Week 4:  Office visit

Week 6-8: Office visit

Additional postpartum visits are available on an as needed basis.

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Can you tell the position of my baby?

At each of your prenatal visits, Heather will palpate your belly and check for your baby’s position. She is trained in this art, and she can usually verify the “wisdom of her hands” by locating your baby’s heartbeat. If there is any question, she may refer you for an Ultrasound to verify baby’s position. Babies do move around, sometimes right up to the end of the pregnancy. Heather is always watching, feeling and listening so that she is knowledgeable of your baby’s whereabouts!

Do you require me to have any tests or laboratory work?

Yes, we do require some lab work, as lab work is one of the best indicators of the health of you and your baby.

Some of the tests we do will help us to know, among other things, your blood type and Rh factor, if you may be anemic, how well your blood clots, if you are at risk for Gestational Diabetes, or if you may have any signs of infection.

A Pap smear may be requested depending on the last time that you had one. We only test for those things we know can have a direct effect on your pregnancy.

Our goal is to give you the best prenatal care possible.

Office Hours

Wednesday: 1PM – 7PM
Thursday: 9AM – 7PM
Friday: 10AM – 3PM
Saturday-Tuesday: CLOSED

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